Best Practice: “Dissemination of the Mingle Project – Santander Public Transport TV Circuit (Urban Buses)”

One of the dissemination actions that has had the best results during the development of the Mingle project has been the dissemination of a video explaining the project through the Santander City Council public transport television channel.

The video was made with images from the project’s information brochure and has been played on urban buses in the city of Santander for two months.

Aim of the best practice:

With this communication action, the aim was to reach the maximum possible number of people through one of the most widely disseminated channels and in an original way.

Objectives of the best practice:

The objective of this practice was to make the Mingle project known to the population residing in the city of Santander through one of the dissemination channels with the most viewers: the television system on the city’s public transport.

In this way and through this channel, viewers could get a general idea of the project and learn about the information points and ways of participating in the project.

For the development of this practice it is necessary to have agreements with public institutions, in this case the Santander City Council and the Municipal Urban Transport Service.

Thanks to this alliance, the videos published on the Mingle project were visible for two months on the city’s urban buses.

This best practice does not need a minimum and a maximum number of participants, but rather to reach interesting agreements with public media to achieve a great impact in dissemination.

To carry out this practice it is necessary for a person to edit the video and choose the most attractive images. In this way, the information projected will generate more interest from the public.

Likewise, an agreement is necessary with those in charge of public transport.

For this best practice to have a strong dissemination impact, it is advisable for the images of the project to be projected for at least one month. In this way, a good number of viewers / passengers can be reached and interest in the project will be created.

To carry out this practice it is necessary to have certain resources:

Human: staff to edit the video and choose the most attractive images of the project. Person in charge of making the necessary agreements with the organisations in charge of showing the video on public transport in the area.

Material: computer equipment and editing programs.

Infrastructures: these types of resources will be provided by the companies / organisations with which the agreement is reached.

The greatest strength of this practice is the high impact on dissemination that it offers. With the agreement and the appropriate material, the dissemination of the project and the information related to which can reach a very high number of people, significantly increasing the impact when compared to other media such as posters or information brochures.

In addition, the fact that the project is disseminated in public media increases the interest of the viewers.

The greatest weakness of this practice is not being able to reach the necessary agreements for the dissemination of the images / video of the project during an adequate time on public transport in the area. For this practice to be a success, this condition is indispensable.

There are certain improvements related to the quality, originality and production of the project dissemination video. The better this material is made, the more people will pay attention to it and the more interest will be created. Choosing the most appropriate images and texts is one way to enhance the experience.

For a good application of this practice, it is advisable to produce audio-visual material suitable for the medium in which it is to be projected, including attractive images and, if possible, subtitles.

In addition, an agreement with the company in charge of public transport is necessary and choosing the public transport network with the highest number of passengers so that the impact is even greater.