As the participants of the training activities in Greece were all newly arrived refugees it was very hard not only to initiate communication but also to keep contact with them. The few Greek that most of them spoke was taught to them during the MINGLE language courses activities, and the courses were up to level A2. Furthermore, there were just a few which spoke English. This made the overall communication very hard, however with the participation of some volunteers who spoke the TCN’s language as well as Greek, the outcome was better than expected, but when it came the time for evaluation things got very complicated, as it was impossible for the TCNs and their language level to go through all the evaluation documents. Thus, the trainers/facilitators in order to receive feedback, they organised overall evaluation sessions, during which volunteers who could act as mediators tried to facilitate the whole procedure. Thus, we resulted in getting overall feedback from the participants, which felt great that the facilitators went through all this trouble to hear what they had to say.
Aim of the best practice:
To receive feedback from the intercultural training.
Objectives of the best practice:
– Overcome the obstacle of language in receiving evaluation for the intercultural activities
– End the course with a positive energy and not the struggle of miscommunication
-Find out what worked best for them and what we can improve for future activities
Intercultural trainers
The duration depends on the items that need to be evaluated its time. However, we would suggest that at least 5-10 minutes per question are required, according to the size of the group.
• Trainers
• Facilitators/mediators
• Evaluation Documents
The best practise fulfilled its purpose and made TCNs feel valued.
The group of people need to speak the same language otherwise more facilitators/mediators should be used.
This is something that can be easily avoided with planning the activities ahead of time.
Furthermore, it can rise the cost of the course, since the facilitators cannot always be volunteers, but this can be included in the training planning as well.