CMICAD. Local Immigration and Development Cooperation Centre
Immigrant population living in Santander primarily. They also work with local population for the creation of the network, the cultural exchange and knowledge.
The Local Immigration and Development Cooperation Centre of the Council of Santander (CMICAD) is framed under the Guidelines set by the Law of foundations of Local Regime (Ley de bases de Regimen Local), in its Article 25 and the following ones, and under the rest of the legal text, which mentions as desirable objectives: promoting and offering all type of activities and services that contribute to the satisfaction of its neighbours’ needs and wishes by boosting the expressions of solidarity and by fostering the social responsibility of the community in situations of need and by involving the citizens in the problems and solutions of their environment, as well as promoting the pertinent measures that facilitate their the integration and promotion. The CMICAD, which was founded in 2008, has become a reference site for the immigrant population of our city, establishing a hosting system for the immigrant population; increasing, systematizing and coordinating the tools and the information routes and assuring their access to basic services of the State, the Autonomous Community and the Council of Santander in order to favour their integration and social insertion, as well as to take awareness and development cooperation actions in the least favoured countries. The main objectives of the Local Immigration and Development Cooperation Centre are:
□ Citizenship & Civic Engagement
□ Housing and social services
□ Access to the labour market
□ Education
□ Participation in political processes and in decision-making
□ Judicial indicators
□ Cultural awareness
□ Language Training
□ Language assessment
□ Intercultural communication
□ Mentoring services
☒ Language Training
☒ Language Assessment
☒ Intercultural communication
It develops its programmes in the municipality of Santander. Its activity is focused on three sectors: the labour market, the social network and the environment (political and economic context, etc.) of the user and the personal factor (capacities/skills development, empowerment and self-esteem, etc.).
CMICAD, Centro Municipal de Inmigración y Cooperación al Desarrollo
Address: C/ Calle San José 10 – 39003 Santander (Cantabria)
Tel. +34 942 20 31 73
Web page: