Best Practice 33

EP-DeM Labs

Citizenship & Civic Engagement

□  Health & Welfare Benefits

□ Language Access

□ Access to the labour market

□ Education

□ Participation in political processes and in decision-making

□  Others (please describe): improvement of public measures for transitions of young people (16-24)


□ Study Visits

□ Mentoring Services


□ Others: The participatory and bottom up approach that involved young people, decision-makers and a wide range of stakeholders at city level to build confidence, trust and enhance the direct participation of young people in public life and especially in designing effective ttransition measures.

The project, coordinated by MetropolisNet EEIG, a unique EU network on employment and social inclusion strategies, involved 9 organizations from 5 countries.

Partners are experienced and innovative skills/employment/VET players, including 2 Regional and 1 National (IE) ministries in Ireland. All of them are engaging a wide range of youth, employment, VET organizations.

This was really important as the whole project concept concerned the experimentation of innovative dialogue and participation tools to improve measures and provisions targeting young people, especially from disadvantaged social/economic backgrounds, to improve the quality and effectiveness of transition and employability measures.

The Labs experimented were primarily, but not exclusively, integrated within the planning and delivery processes of Youth Guarantee Schemes (YGS) concerned, or, where these did not exist (i.e. UK), within the measures targeting disadvantaged and excluded youth in transitions in the 4 cities. The structured dialogue and interaction mechanisms allowed gaining update and qualitative knowledge about the reasons and typologies of disparities between youth in accessing, benefiting and succeeding in completing the educational and employability services and projects being currently offered in the respective contexts.

Name: Elena Grilli

Organisation: MetropolisNet EEIG
